Rules Examples

Xcalibur W enables a wide variety of device monitoring scenarios. Several examples are shown below.

Monitoring Rules are intended to anticipate failures and to ensure remote devices remain in the desired state. For successful implementation, take time to understand the triggers and rules that make sense in a particular context.

Hardware : Motherboard Device Temperature

Ensure the system does not exceed the desired temperature range

Trigger : sys.temperature
Operator : >
Value : 40°C
Parameters : -

Operating System : File Size

Monitor the size of the Windows virtual memory paging file

Trigger : file.size
Operator : >
Value : 2 Gb
Parameters : c:\pagefile.sys 

Operating System : Check Antivirus Status

Verify whether the Antivirus software is loaded

Trigger : sys.gen.result
Operator : contains
Value : antivirus
Parameters : wmic /namespace:\\root\SecurityCenter2 path AntiVirusProduct get /value

Operating System : Registry key change

Monitor the Windows shell using registry key

Trigger : sys.reg.value
Operator : =
Invert: Yes
Value : explorer.exe
Parameters : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\shell"

Operating System : Check network connectivity

Report packet losses when pinging a server

Trigger : sys.gen.result
Operator : Contains
Invert: Yes
Value : 0% Loss
Parameters : ping

Operating System : Check application freeze

Verify whether Internet Explorer is responding properly

Trigger : sys.gen.result
Operator : Contains
Value : iexplorer
Parameters : powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass "Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.responding -eq $false}"

Operating System : Service is down

Audit the status of the Windows Audio service

Trigger : sys.serv.started
Operator : =
Value : False
Parameters : Windows Audio