The Xcalibur W Agent configuration file is named chippc.config.xml and is located in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\XcaliburW\XcaliburW Device Agent\Device Agent\bin.
Among others, the following settings are useful to know:
Proxy settings:
If the client device requires a proxy to communicate with Xcalibur W, the proxy settings must be specified in the XcaliburW.config.xml file:
<add key="Proxy.Url" value="" /> <add key="Proxy.Login" value="" /> <add key="Proxy.Password" value="" />
* URL : The IP address or DNS name of the proxy server. To specify a specific port, use the **:XXXX** notation, where //xxxx// is the port number. * Login : Login string to authenticate with the proxy server. * Password : Password string to authenticate with the proxy server.
Example :
<add key="Proxy.Url" value="" /> <add key="Proxy.Login" value="user1" /> <add key="Proxy.Password" value="password1" />
Xcalibur W Server Address
The Xcalibur W Server address can be changed by editing the following line in the XcaliburW.config file:
<add key="Communication.Url" value="" />
If the Xcalibur W server address is set to HTTPS, then the SSL Certificate must be available in the /bin directory to enable communication between the client and the server. For further information on certificates, refer to the Manually Configure the Client section. |
Xcalibur W Agent log files are located in C:\Program Files\XcaliburW\XcaliburW Device Agent\Device Agent\bin. Log files begin with “Logs.” The current log file is Log.Service.xml.
An example log entry is shown below:
<log4j:event logger="MyDefaultLogger" timestamp="1371652633586" level="INFO" thread="4"><log4j:message>Server respond successfull (AckCommands)</log4j:message><log4j:properties><log4j:data name="log4jmachinename" value="testmayD2A35DCE" /><log4j:data name="log4net:HostName" value="testmayD2A35DCE" /><log4j:data name="log4net:UserName" value="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /><log4j:data name="log4japp" value="xcalibur.Agent.Windows.exe" /></log4j:properties><log4j:locationInfo class="xcalibur.Agent.Core.AgentService" method="GetTasksQueue" file="" line="0" /></log4j:event> <log4j:event logger="MyDefaultLogger" timestamp="1371652633626" level="INFO" thread="4"><log4j:message>Received 1 tasks</log4j:message><log4j:properties><log4j:data name="log4jmachinename" value="testmayD2A35DCE" /><log4j:data name="log4net:HostName" value="testmayD2A35DCE" /><log4j:data name="log4net:UserName" value="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /><log4j:data name="log4japp" value="xcalibur.Agent.Windows.exe" /></log4j:properties><log4j:locationInfo class="xcalibur.Agent.Core.PulseEngines.PulseEngine" method="ExecutePulse" file="" line="0" /></log4j:event>