ChipPC - Xcalibur W Wiki

For Server 2.14.x & Agent 2.14.x

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Recurring Tasks

Tasks marked as Recurring on the Publish Tasks screen are listed in this section of the library.

When a recurring task is published, Xcalibur W automatically creates and publishes occurrences of the task according to the settings defined on the Publish Tasks screen. Occurrences of the task are displayed on the Task Board and can be identified by the Recur icon .


All Recurring Tasks are stored in the library. They can be paused or removed manually using the contextual menu. The status of recurring tasks is shown below:


Status In Progress: The task is active and has not been manually paused
Paused : The task is active but has been manually paused
Terminated : The task execution time window is terminated
ActiveIf Active, the task is still in its execution time window
Next OccurrenceDisplays the expected execution time for the next occurrence of the recurring task
library/recurring_tasks.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/21 17:18 (external edit)